Utilization of electrical technology among car users are more obvious than on a motorcycle. It's also about the availability of the product, in addition to the level of education that consumers need to be able to understand better and therefore can and want to buy something for reasons of high technology.
If the complaint is often a motorcycle in Indonesia too much, rather than adds to air pollution and noise. So does an electric bike could be a solution. Whether is it fair to say that 'the people of Indonesia do not like the electric motor because it is expensive'. While the product itself, which according to market demands, is not there?
Problem reluctance of people in Indonesia the electric motor never delivered a vendor of electric scooters in the Bekasi. According to him, he was peddling assessed scooters cost more to affairs of battery replacement.
In the calculations, change the batteries are scheduled every two years at a cost of half a million dollars more. As a result, it makes no difference to motor gasoline.
If you rely on the government anymore, it's just a cheap car program has not been completed. Nevertheless, we can still hope. With the advent of such powerful efforts of TDR earlier, should hope menggejalanya electric motorcycle.
With the hope to reduce air and noise pollution may still be hope. What's more, there is news that has TDR plans assembly plant which is said to be built in an industrial area on the outskirts of Jakarta. So, once again, keep the faith.